To release any movie on the territory of the Russian Federation it is necessary to receive a document permitting its public demonstration - Distribution certificate.
We are competent, operative, and don't bother our Customers over trifles, fill all the papers ourselves, offer the most optimal variants of materials' processing and additional costs – we save your time and money. We will deliver You ready documents in a convenient place and time!
Before execution of Distribution certificate, a prior consultation is required, as there are many nuances that affect the cost and terms of their execution. Please, ask our manager to check the price of services, it is calculated individually:
The price of services includes:
- preparation of necessary documents (we fill all papers by ourselves with provided requisites and video);
- delivery of materials and obtaining of documents from the Gosfilmofond (National Film Foundation of Russian Federation) \ Russian State Film and Photo Archive (RSFPA) and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation; delivery of the ready Distributional certificate.
* State fee for 3500 rubles in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation from 07.21.2014, No. 221-ФЗ "On Amendments to Chapter 253 of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" is paid separately. For documentary films costs of copies of the film on Digital Betacam \ HDCAM cassettes production are also obligatory, as well as the cost of the input control of RSFPA in amount of 4400 rubles for Digital Betacam \ HDCAM.
At additional expense we:
- make DPX in accordance with the technical requirements of the Gosfilmofond of Russia;
- record Digital Betacam \ HDCAM cassettes with completed and uncompleted mix tracks for the Russian State Film and Photo Archive in Krasnogorsk;
- produce editorial scripts in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Gosfilmofond of Russia and Russian State Film and Photo Archive in Krasnogorsk (requirements for documentary and feature films differ).
Distribution certificate confirms the registration of the movie by the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation in the State Register of films and videos. Distribution certificate includes recommendations for age limits of the movie's viewing audience.
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation can refuse in registration of the Distributional certificate on the following grounds:
- The movie doesn’t correspond the above mentioned requirements to national film or already have a distributional certificate issued to another person who is the holder of exclusive rights for this movie.
- The movie includes materials containing public appeals to engage terrorist activity or openly justifies terrorism and other extremist materials as well as materials propagandizes pornography, violence, and cruelty.
- The movie includes information about recipes and methods of development, manufacture, use and places of purchase of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors as well as the propaganda of any advantages of using certain drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors.
- The movie uses a hidden insertions or other technical methods and techniques for dissemination of subliminal information and (or) has an adverse effect on people’s health.
- The movie contains information about the public association or other organization, included into the list of organizations against which there is an accepted by court, entered into force decision on liquidation or prohibition of the activity on the grounds stipulated by the Federal Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activity", without specifying that relevant organizations are liquidated or their activities are prohibited, as well as other information, for dissemination of which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides criminal or administrative liability.
- The movie contains foul language.
It’s necessary to have a prior consultation with a specialist to avoid potential problems.