

картинка 1
  • year : 2021
  • country : Georgia, Russia
  • timing : 100:42'
  • genre : documentary
  • producer : Filipp Orlyansky

written and produced by Filipp Orlyansky
DoP Viktor Antonov
sound by Oleg Pertsovsky
editors Filipp Orlyansky, Oleg Pertsovsky

This is a story about the unique chants of the Georgian people, a journey to a fabulous country, the blessed Kingdom of Iberia. According to tradition, Georgia is the first inheritance of the Blessed Virgin. After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the apostles drew lots to see who of them and where would preach Christianity. Also, the Mother of God was with them, and she had to go to Iberia, but God sent the Apostle Andrew, who received from the hands of the Mother of God the acheiropaeic image, imprinted on a simple board, which She applied to Her Immaculate Countenance. Christ promised His Mother that Iberia would be illuminated by the light of the Truth, and that this land would always be under Her special protection. The unique chants that witnessed the highest spiritual culture and love of the people have come down to us as proof of that.
As Georgian scholars say, "the best that the people have dedicated to God are the Georgian chants. They are truly pearls of the art of singing in the world's musical heritage. The film features unique, ancient chants in their finest performance, and by listening to them we can touch the spiritual heights of the blessed people, and thus grow up ourselves. Today we all yearn to hear something real, genuine, exalted, something to lean on in a fast-changing world. All of this and more one can find in the chants.

  • International Film Forum “Zolotoy Vityaz” (Golden knight) (2021, Russia, Sevastopol)
  • Pärnu International Documentary Film Festival (2021, Estonia, Parnu)
  • American-Russian Documentary Film Festival RUSDOCFILMFEST, Best Inspirational Film (2021, United State, New York)
  • International Orthodox Film Festival "Pokrov", Best Music Film (2021, Ukraine, Kiev)
  • International Documentary Film Festival "Salt of the Earth" (2021, Russia, Samara)
  • International Festival of Films and TV Programs "Radonezh", Special Jury Prize (2021, Russia, Moscow)
  • International festival "Meetings in Siberia" (2021, Russia, Novosibirsk)
  • International Sretensky Film Festival "Vstrecha", Jury Diploma (2022, Russia, Obninsk)

Director’s statement

This film is a series in the documentary cycle "Angelic Chants," which is about ancient Orthodox chants. The film was created to enlighten people and to revive spiritual and moral qualities.


Filipp Orlyansky was born on 21.08.1986 in Sochi, Russia. In 2012 graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University; in 2017 graduated from VGIK. Currently works on a documentary series dedicated to ancient church chants of different countries - “Angelic Chants”.


2021 - "Alilo. The Rebirth of Georgian Chants" from the cycle "Angelic Chants", documentary
2020 - "Old Russian Orthodox Chants" from the cycle "Angelic Chants", documentary
2020 - "Byzantine chant" from the cycle "Angelic Chants", documentary
2017 - "The Case of Ivan", short film
2017 - "The Case of Ivan", documentary
2015 - "Etude", music video

2014, Russia, 35' fiction film producer Mikhail Romanovskiy
2014, Russia, 20' documentary producer Kirsten Gaynet
2014, Russia, 16:07' fiction film producer Yury Sukhodolskiy
2014, Russia, 42:52' documentary producer Olga Arlauskas
2015, Russia, 90:02' fiction film producer Arseniy Gonchukov
2015, Russia, 11:25' fiction film producer Efgraph Sorokin
2015, Russia, 24:16' fiction film producer Dmitry Golubov
2015, Russia, 24:42' fiction film producer Nikita Ordynskiy
2015, Russia, 16:22' fiction film producer Anna Kott
2015, Russia, 88:43’' fiction film producer Alexandr Kott
2015, Russia, France, 51:28' documentary producer Egor Klimovich
2015, Russia, 61:03' documentary producer Mariya Linder,Yakov Zakhvatkin
2015, Russia, 12:22' documentary producer Ilya Zheltyakov
2015, Russia, 09:00' fiction film producer Kirill Kosolapov
2015, Russia, 25:02' documentary producer Kirill Burdov
2015, Russia, 05:05' fiction film producer Kristina Rabotenko
2015, Russia, 09:59' documentary producer Yuriy Kalyuzhniy
2015, Russia, 14:30' fiction film producer Maxim Dashkin
2015, Singapore, Russia, 09:26' fiction film producer Maxim Dashkin
2015, USA, 53:03' documentary producer Helga Landauer
2015, Russia, 65:08 ' documentary producer Konstantin Smirnov
2015, Belarus, 14:59' fiction film producer Mitry Semenov-Aleynikov
2015, Italy, 17:37' fiction film producer Alina Gurinova
2016, Russia, 16:01' fiction film producer Ekaterina Stashevskaya
2016, Russia, 23:27' fiction film producer Andrey Egorov
2016, Russia, 10:26' fiction film producer Yuriy Kalyuzhniy
2016, Russia, 90' documentary producer Olga Arlauskas,Svetlana Gorlo
2016, Russia, 23:40' fiction film producer Nina Vedmitskaya
2016, Russia, 16:28 ' fiction film producer Elena Piskareva
2016, Russia, 91:09' fiction film producer Vladimir Rudak
2016, Russia, 15:58' fiction film producer Andrey Bulatov
2016, Russia, 30:00' documentary producer Yuliya Kiselyova
2016, Russia, 22:02' fiction film producer Alena Alenkina
2016, Russia, 29:59' fiction film producer Yuliya Dmitriyeva
2016, Russia, 26:59' fiction film producer Petr Levchenko
2016, Russia, 15:22' documentary producer Karina Vilenkina
2016, Russia, 93:06' documentary producer Natalia Gugueva
2016, Russia, 29:47' fiction film producer Anna Simakova
2016, Russia, 13:55’' fiction film producer Pavel Inin
2016, Russia, 13:09' fiction film producer Evgeniya Duplyakina
2016, Russia, 26:00' fiction film producer Veniamin Tronin
2016, Russia, 22:29' documentary producer Nikita Tikhonov-Rau,Olga Arlauskas
2016, Russia, 03:27 ' fiction film producer Vladimir Tsarenko
2016, Russia, Greece, 99:39' documentary producer Mark Visioner
2016, Russia, 24:20' fiction film producer Alexandra Sokolovskaya
2016, Russia, 29:55' fiction film producer Tatiana Ra
2016, Russia, 04:59' fashion fiction film producer Jana Nedzvetkaya
2016, Russia, 28:00' fiction film producer Denis Lafanov
2016, Italy, 13:09' fiction film producer Domenico Modafferi
2016, Italy, UK, 29:08' documentary producer Gloria Aura Bortolini
2016, Georgia, 08:00' fiction film producer Khukhua Tornike
2016, Italy, 23:45' fiction film producer Adelmo Togliani
2016, Russia, 109’' documentary producer Daniil Bondar
2016, Russia, 21:03' fiction film producer Olga Shtol
2016, Russia, Hungary, Belarus, 70:51' fiction film producer Lika Alekseeva
2016, Russia, 10:30' fiction film producer Alexander Saltykov,Darya Homyakova
2016, Russia, 13:14' fiction film producer Sasha Yastrebova
2016, Russia, Spain, 50:07' documentary producer Algis Arlauskas
2016, Russia, 96:58' fiction film producer Sergey Solovyov
2016, Russia, 09:00' fiction film producer Julia Saponova
2016, Russia, 22:36’' fiction film producer Konstantin Abaev
2016, Russia, 14:15' fiction film producer Anastasiya Marsakova
2016, Belarus, 23:22' fiction film producer Alexander Vysokovskiy
2016, Russia, 29:59' fiction film producer Nika Barabash,Andreas Costandakes
2016, Russia, 91:14' fiction film producer Kseniya Baskakova
2016, Russia, 26:59' fiction film producer Evgeniy Puzyrevskiy
2016, Russia, 9:50' fiction film producer Tatiana Astapova
2016, Russia, UK, 27:20' fiction film producer Alexander Mercury
2016, Russia, 08:14' fiction film producer Pavel Ivanov
2016, Russia, 22:24' fiction film producer Kirill Vasiliev
2016, Russia, 21:14' fiction film producer Max Kubrinskiy
2016, Russia, 59:45' documentary producer Maxim Kobzev
2016, Russia, 14:41' fiction film producer Yuri Alessin
2016, Belarus, 28:31' fiction film producer Victor Krasovskiy
2016, Russia, 08:03' fiction film producer Olga Dibtseva
2016, Russia, 83:00’' fiction film producer Boris Gouts
2016, Russia, 13:36' documentary producer Zlata Oronova
2016, Italy, 14:25' fiction film producer Antonin Bobo
2017, Kazakhstan, 23:00' fiction film producer Aigul Axambiyeva
2017, Russia, 30:58' fiction film producer Kseniya Tischenko
2017, Russia, 17:06' fiction film producer Denis Kudryavtsev
2017, Russia, 85:28' documentary producer Yulia Kiseleva
2017, Russia, 17:21' fiction film producer Vakhtang Khubutia
2017, Russia, 09:30' fiction film producer Alexey Puchkovskiy
2017, Russia, 79:38' fiction film producer Oleg Ageychev
2017, Russia, 08:36' fiction film producer Victor Derebenko
2017, Russia, 27' fiction film producer Sidorov-Frantsuzov
2017, Russia, 25' fiction film producer Svetlana Sukhanova
2017, Russia, India, 21:18' documentary producer Maria Khristoforova
2017, Russia, 28:00' fiction film producer Nikolay Kotyash
2017, Russia, 25:20' fiction film producer Sergey Pozdnyakov
2017, Russia, Latvia, 70:51' documentary producer Darya Khrenova
2017, Russia, 32:56' fiction film producer Narkas Iskandarova
2017, Russia, 30' fiction film producer Nastya Antonova
2017, Russia, 50:43' documentary producer Dmitry Zavilgelskiy
2017, Russia, 10:35' fiction film producer Egor Voronin
2017, Russia, 28:03' documentary producer Nikita Tikhonov-Rau
2017, Russia, 25:01' fiction film producer Evgeniy Nikitin
2017, Russia, 99' fiction film producer Alexander Kasatkin
2017, Russia, 30:48 / 54:58' documentary producer Yulia Kiseleva