Online movie premieres
“Understatement is one of the key features of the story” - Alexander Mercury on his film ‘Mama – Saint Sebastian’. Online premiere of the film.
Actor-director Alexander Mercury has lived in London since the age of 17 but he chose to shoot his debut film in Saint Petersburg. It’s a short film with a poignant and somewhat mystical ending. Having won multiple awards and screened at over 15 festivals including the prestigious London Short Film Festival and Lublin Film Festival where it was awarded Master of Emotions, we are now releasing it in our online cinema CinePromo. Watch the film and read the interview with Alexander below.
2015, Russia, 61:03'
producer Mariya Linder,Yakov Zakhvatkin
2016, Russia, 22:29'
producer Nikita Tikhonov-Rau,Olga Arlauskas
2016, Russia, 24:20'
fiction film
producer Alexandra Sokolovskaya
2016, Russia, 04:59'
fashion fiction film
producer Jana Nedzvetkaya
2016, Russia, Hungary, Belarus, 70:51'
fiction film
producer Lika Alekseeva