

Film theory

Making short films is a great way for budding movie artists to gain experience in the entire process of movie-making. But the only way people will watch them is if they’ve been well-promoted. Here are a few ways to promote your short film, so get started.

1. Create a website

Yes, in today’s connected world, even movies need to have websites. So there’s no reason why your short film shouldn’t have one too! Apart from being a good promotion tool, a website can also serve as your home base, where people can get updates about your film, sign up as a member, or even buy tickets to watch your film. If you’re promoting a short film, you probably have no idea of how to create a website but that is why when we needed one and have it promoted we contacted Tomorrow's Online Marketing run by Wayne Boesiger, but you could always find someone who’s willing to work for less in order to build their portfolio.

2. Keep a Journal

A process journal is a handy promotion tool, and might even be an investment if you can manage to get it published at a later point of time. Keep this on your website, so that visitors can view it at any time. And if you have the right amount of dedication to keep the journal updated, you might attract a loyal fan-base in the process.

3. Email Addresses & Press Release

If you’ve created a website for your short film, make sure you gather your visitors’ email addresses. You can do this using a dedicated call to action form, or with an RSS feed. Getting the email addresses of all your visitors will help you identify your fan base, whether it’s a particular, demographic, race or country. This allows you to fine tune your promotion strategy, which can be useful for future short film marketing programs.

Another very attractive tool to engage more people towards your movie is the press release. However, the headline of your press release should be tempting or magnetic. One example of this kind of marketing was the press release of Self Storage (2013) that was a horror movie, based on a highly secure self-storage and it was mostly promoted via press releases with a headline that Oscar-winning actor Eric Roberts will be the part of this film. Another example of this kind of marketing are the press releases of movie Avatar 2, and these press releases are also being promoted on social media as well.

4. Social Networking

Forget the depressed statuses and boring check-ins; social networking is the buzzword in promotion right now. Create a Facebook page, Twitter feed, and even a google plus account! Keep updating your feeds with interesting factoids, like milestone checks, countdown to launch, and so on. You could even engage you audience with contest or fun games that they’ll most likely recommend to others. Social networking is all about connecting with the masses on a personal level. 

5. Online film sites

It doesn’t matter if it’s an amateur blog or a professional movie reviewer; submit your video to every website that might even remotely be associated with films. Once you’ve penetrated the online movie circuit, you’re short film will get the kind of attention it deserves. It shouldn’t matter whether the site will showcase your movie in an archive, or only for a limited time, any exposure is good. The more you can get your movie watched & reviewed, the better.

6. Make a Teaser

There’s no better promotion tool than peaking your audiences’ curiosity, and there’s no better way to do it than by making a teaser. What should essentially just a glimpse into your short film, a teaser trailer is meant to make your audience want to know what happens in your short film. Curious minds talk a lot, and a well-executed teaser has the potential to make your short film a hot topic.

7. A Gripping trailer

After you’ve given your audience a glimpse of your short film, spark their interest once again with a jaw-dropping trailer. A trailer is a great way to give your audience more insight into your short film. But be careful not to reveal too much, and never make the trailer too long to give away the plot! Finally, make sure your website is posted at the end of it, so that your viewers have a call to action after watching the trailer.

8. Film festivals

There are about a dozen movie festivals going on at any given time in the world, try getting in to the ones you can. Film festivals are a great way to promote your short film, without having to shell out tons of money for screening rights. Once you’ve registered at a film festival, do some homework to find out which notable movie critics & bloggers, or media persons will be present at a particular event. If you can get in touch with them, send them a press release or virtual copy of your movie, or at least direct them to your website so that they can learn more about it.

Jenny Corteza - aka the Queen of Loathing - is somewhat of a Renaissance woman transported through time to the Information Age. While tech focused, her interests go beyond the Internet. Part artist and designer, part programmer and coder and part writer and wordsmith. When she is not at work she will steal the internet out of your cookies ^__^ "All your base belongs to her!"


Here Are 10 Things Filmmakers Want Festivals to Do

Here Are 10 Things Filmmakers Want Festivals to Do

10.07.2017 2252

The torrential feedback to last week’s article 10 Things Every Film Festival Wants Filmmakers to Know warrants a response from filmmakers. As festivalsknow, filmmakers are the true heart and sole of a film festival. During my tenor with festivals, I have spoken to, or consulted with, hundreds of filmmakers. In the spirit of helping festivals understand filmmakers and with homage to Law & Order, these are their (and my) stories. 

4 Reasons To Attend Film Festivals

4 Reasons To Attend Film Festivals

05.06.2017 2193

So why should you be there too? 4 Reasons to Attend Film Festivals.

How to Make Sure Film Festivals Actually Watch Your Movie — And Hold Them Accountable

How to Make Sure Film Festivals Actually Watch Your Movie — And Hold Them Accountable

31.05.2017 1819

A filmmaker proved a festival lied about watching his movie. He got his money back. 

2014, Russia, 35' fiction film producer Mikhail Romanovskiy
2014, Russia, 20' documentary producer Kirsten Gaynet
2014, Russia, 16:07' fiction film producer Yury Sukhodolskiy
2014, Russia, 42:52' documentary producer Olga Arlauskas
2015, Russia, 90:02' fiction film producer Arseniy Gonchukov
2015, Russia, 11:25' fiction film producer Efgraph Sorokin
2015, Russia, 24:16' fiction film producer Dmitry Golubov
2015, Russia, 24:42' fiction film producer Nikita Ordynskiy
2015, Russia, 16:22' fiction film producer Anna Kott
2015, Russia, 88:43’' fiction film producer Alexandr Kott
2015, Russia, France, 51:28' documentary producer Egor Klimovich
2015, Russia, 61:03' documentary producer Mariya Linder,Yakov Zakhvatkin
2015, Russia, 12:22' documentary producer Ilya Zheltyakov
2015, Russia, 09:00' fiction film producer Kirill Kosolapov
2015, Russia, 25:02' documentary producer Kirill Burdov
2015, Russia, 05:05' fiction film producer Kristina Rabotenko
2015, Russia, 09:59' documentary producer Yuriy Kalyuzhniy
2015, Russia, 14:30' fiction film producer Maxim Dashkin
2015, Singapore, Russia, 09:26' fiction film producer Maxim Dashkin
2015, USA, 53:03' documentary producer Helga Landauer
2015, Russia, 65:08 ' documentary producer Konstantin Smirnov
2015, Belarus, 14:59' fiction film producer Mitry Semenov-Aleynikov
2015, Italy, 17:37' fiction film producer Alina Gurinova
2016, Russia, 16:01' fiction film producer Ekaterina Stashevskaya
2016, Russia, 23:27' fiction film producer Andrey Egorov
2016, Russia, 10:26' fiction film producer Yuriy Kalyuzhniy
2016, Russia, 90' documentary producer Olga Arlauskas,Svetlana Gorlo
2016, Russia, 23:40' fiction film producer Nina Vedmitskaya
2016, Russia, 16:28 ' fiction film producer Elena Piskareva
2016, Russia, 91:09' fiction film producer Vladimir Rudak
2016, Russia, 15:58' fiction film producer Andrey Bulatov
2016, Russia, 30:00' documentary producer Yuliya Kiselyova
2016, Russia, 22:02' fiction film producer Alena Alenkina
2016, Russia, 29:59' fiction film producer Yuliya Dmitriyeva
2016, Russia, 26:59' fiction film producer Petr Levchenko
2016, Russia, 15:22' documentary producer Karina Vilenkina
2016, Russia, 93:06' documentary producer Natalia Gugueva
2016, Russia, 29:47' fiction film producer Anna Simakova
2016, Russia, 13:55’' fiction film producer Pavel Inin
2016, Russia, 13:09' fiction film producer Evgeniya Duplyakina
2016, Russia, 26:00' fiction film producer Veniamin Tronin
2016, Russia, 22:29' documentary producer Nikita Tikhonov-Rau,Olga Arlauskas
2016, Russia, 03:27 ' fiction film producer Vladimir Tsarenko
2016, Russia, Greece, 99:39' documentary producer Mark Visioner
2016, Russia, 24:20' fiction film producer Alexandra Sokolovskaya
2016, Russia, 29:55' fiction film producer Tatiana Ra
2016, Russia, 04:59' fashion fiction film producer Jana Nedzvetkaya
2016, Russia, 28:00' fiction film producer Denis Lafanov
2016, Italy, 13:09' fiction film producer Domenico Modafferi
2016, Italy, UK, 29:08' documentary producer Gloria Aura Bortolini
2016, Georgia, 08:00' fiction film producer Khukhua Tornike
2016, Italy, 23:45' fiction film producer Adelmo Togliani
2016, Russia, 109’' documentary producer Daniil Bondar
2016, Russia, 21:03' fiction film producer Olga Shtol
2016, Russia, Hungary, Belarus, 70:51' fiction film producer Lika Alekseeva
2016, Russia, 10:30' fiction film producer Alexander Saltykov,Darya Homyakova
2016, Russia, 13:14' fiction film producer Sasha Yastrebova
2016, Russia, Spain, 50:07' documentary producer Algis Arlauskas
2016, Russia, 96:58' fiction film producer Sergey Solovyov
2016, Russia, 09:00' fiction film producer Julia Saponova
2016, Russia, 22:36’' fiction film producer Konstantin Abaev
2016, Russia, 14:15' fiction film producer Anastasiya Marsakova
2016, Belarus, 23:22' fiction film producer Alexander Vysokovskiy
2016, Russia, 29:59' fiction film producer Nika Barabash,Andreas Costandakes
2016, Russia, 91:14' fiction film producer Kseniya Baskakova
2016, Russia, 26:59' fiction film producer Evgeniy Puzyrevskiy
2016, Russia, 9:50' fiction film producer Tatiana Astapova
2016, Russia, UK, 27:20' fiction film producer Alexander Mercury
2016, Russia, 08:14' fiction film producer Pavel Ivanov
2016, Russia, 22:24' fiction film producer Kirill Vasiliev
2016, Russia, 21:14' fiction film producer Max Kubrinskiy
2016, Russia, 59:45' documentary producer Maxim Kobzev
2016, Russia, 14:41' fiction film producer Yuri Alessin
2016, Belarus, 28:31' fiction film producer Victor Krasovskiy
2016, Russia, 08:03' fiction film producer Olga Dibtseva
2016, Russia, 83:00’' fiction film producer Boris Gouts
2016, Russia, 13:36' documentary producer Zlata Oronova
2016, Italy, 14:25' fiction film producer Antonin Bobo
2017, Kazakhstan, 23:00' fiction film producer Aigul Axambiyeva
2017, Russia, 30:58' fiction film producer Kseniya Tischenko
2017, Russia, 17:06' fiction film producer Denis Kudryavtsev
2017, Russia, 85:28' documentary producer Yulia Kiseleva
2017, Russia, 17:21' fiction film producer Vakhtang Khubutia
2017, Russia, 09:30' fiction film producer Alexey Puchkovskiy
2017, Russia, 79:38' fiction film producer Oleg Ageychev
2017, Russia, 08:36' fiction film producer Victor Derebenko
2017, Russia, 27' fiction film producer Sidorov-Frantsuzov
2017, Russia, 25' fiction film producer Svetlana Sukhanova
2017, Russia, India, 21:18' documentary producer Maria Khristoforova
2017, Russia, 28:00' fiction film producer Nikolay Kotyash
2017, Russia, 25:20' fiction film producer Sergey Pozdnyakov
2017, Russia, Latvia, 70:51' documentary producer Darya Khrenova
2017, Russia, 32:56' fiction film producer Narkas Iskandarova
2017, Russia, 30' fiction film producer Nastya Antonova
2017, Russia, 50:43' documentary producer Dmitry Zavilgelskiy
2017, Russia, 10:35' fiction film producer Egor Voronin
2017, Russia, 28:03' documentary producer Nikita Tikhonov-Rau
2017, Russia, 25:01' fiction film producer Evgeniy Nikitin
2017, Russia, 99' fiction film producer Alexander Kasatkin
2017, Russia, 30:48 / 54:58' documentary producer Yulia Kiseleva